Mittwoch, 25. November 2015

NEU: Kunden können den SAP Support nun auch via CHAT kontaktieren!

Quelle: SAP JAM Gruppe "Solution Manager Setup Value Map"

Im Moment gilt das für folgende Gebiete:

•SolMan Setup/Configuration/LMDB
•Diagnostics / Monitoring 
•Incident management / Change management 
•Maintenance Optimizer 
•Implementation / Testing (in the future)
•Service Planning and Delivery / Early Watch Alerts / TAO / CBTA

We are pleased to let you know that SAP is enhancing the Incident handling process with the option of Real Time Chat Support. SAP Solution Manager Support is one of the first areas to have this option enabled under component SV-SMG.

Customers who use Chat Support are instantly connected to an experienced SAP Solution Manager Support Engineer.  The SAP Solution Manager Support Engineer will provide immediate assistance in order to help resolve your support issue during the Chat session.

How does it work?

When you need to report an issue through the SAP Support Portal, you will now have the option to contact Chat support before opening an incident. An experienced SAP Solution Manager Support Engineer will then be available to discuss your issue and give you recommendations straight-away, and in some occasions provide the solution there and then. It is simple and fast.

If the issue is too complex and requires that an incident is opened for follow up, the SAP Solution Manager Support Engineer will provide guidance on the collection of any traces and logs necessary to help speed up overall incident resolution.

How can I use it?

When using the Incident Wizard, you will see a new "Chat Support" button when you select one of the components supported by this feature. Press the button and you will be connected to one of our engineers.

It really is that simple! If you would like to see a demonstration, please check the two minute video available on this Knowledge Base Article.

Chat support is available for the following areas of SAP Solution Manager Support:
•SolMan Setup/Configuration/LMDB
•Diagnostics / Monitoring 
•Incident management / Change management 
•Maintenance Optimizer 
•Implementation / Testing (in the future)
•Service Planning and Delivery / Early Watch Alerts / TAO / CBTA

Real Time Chat Support is only one of the many ways SAP support is working to improve your user experience and move from a reactive support model to a pro-active approach, maintaining the fundamental interaction with our customers. We hope you find the new feature useful and welcome your feedback so that we can make necessary improvements for the rollout to other areas and support components.

Freitag, 23. Oktober 2015

ABAP Rollenpflege – Massenpflege von Werten (SAP Note 2177996)


Mit der Transaktion PFCGMASSVAL können Sie die Berechtigungswerte mehrerer Rollen auf einmal ändern.
Dies umfasst das Ändern von Organisationsebenenwerten, Feldwerte von Berechtigungen zu einem ausgewählten Objekt und objektübergreifende Feldwertpflege von Berechtigungen zu einem ausgewählten Berechtigungsfeld.

Die Transaktion kann man über den Hinweis 2177996 einspielen!

Montag, 15. Juni 2015

Transportbasierte Korrekturanleitungen -> Licht am Ende des SAP Hinweise Tunnels?!

Jeder kennt es - man beginnt einen Hinweis mit der SNOTE einzubauen - darin enthalten sind Seitenweise manuelle Korrektur Anleitungen (SE11 Objekte anlegen usw.)!

Laut einem DSAG Webinar mit dem unscheinbaren Titel "Transportbasierte Korrekturanleitungen" wird die SNOTE erweitert.


Hinweise kann man dann downloaden und via der SNOTE inkl. der DDIC Objekte (als Transport Anhang) direkt einspielen.

Anbei der Link zur Aufzeichnung vom Webinar:

Verfügbar ab Q4 2015 (also Ende Dezember ;-))

Donnerstag, 9. April 2015

Neue Funktionen in SAP GUI for Windows 7.40

Im SAP Hinweis 2022335  werden die neuen Funktionen für den SAP GUI 740 beschrieben!

Interessant finde ich die Integration vom NWBC und die automatische Skalierung....

The SAP note lists the new features for SAP GUI for Windows 7.40

Weitere Begriffe
SAP GUI, SAPGUI, features, new features, 740, advantages

  • Longer Lifetime: SAP GUI for Windows 7.40 is built with Visual Studio 2012 (which is supported until January 2018) - therefore SAP GUI for Windows 7.40 can be supported longer than release 7.30.
  • Blue Crystal Design
    SAP Blue Crystal is a new visual design theme which succeeds Corbu. It provides a consistent design that allows users to seamlessly experience SAP GUI and NWBC elements. It is the standard theme of Fiori applications and comes with a new color palette and icons which are better scalable. The background texture has a stroke pattern in white and light blue with a gradient layer.
  • Complete icons redesign for Blue Crystal
    All SAP GUI icons used by SAP applications have been redesigned and are now fitting the Blue Crystal Design. Additionally they are much better scalable than before. The new set of icons is exclusive to Blue Crystal Design.
  • New Default Color for Blue Crystal IconsWith patch 2 the main color has changed from blue to dark gray in order to harmonize the design with the Fiori Apps design.

  • SAP GUI for Windows / Netweaver Business Client - IntegrationSAP GUI for Windows can be embedded into NWBC 5.0, so that the user has one shell that unifies access to SAP systems.
    One desktop / taskbar icon consolidates NWBC and SAP GUI sessions, tasks, frequently used links etc. in a tabbed view NWBC frame.

    When SAP GUI for Windows 7.40 is installed together with NWBC, by default, SAP GUI and SAP GUI Shortcuts will be launched through NWBC. However, you have also the possibility to use SAP GUI and NWBC in parallel. To do so, you merely have so select the new component Install SAP GUI Desktop Icon / Shortcuts even though NWBC is installed to install the SAP Logon (Pad) Desktop Icon and to register SAP GUI shortcuts to SAP Logon.
  • SAP UI Landscape
    SAP UI Landscape unifies the persisted connection and configuration data from SAP GUI for Windows, SAP GUI for Java and NWBC in a modern and easier way through one single XML file. There are no more split configuration files for the different SAP GUIs like sapmsg.ini, entries in the Windows services file or saplogon.ini.  The configuration files can either be stored locally or on a central server or share and the deployment is possible both via "pull" and "push" mechanisms.

    Note: At the moment, these new configuration features are only available when using SAP GUI together with NWBC. However, in the long run, this procedure will become the default for all SAP GUI installation and configuration scenarios.
  • Installation Improvement Registry values can now be set on installation package level, for example, for the following SAP GUI options:
    • Accessibility
    • Path to the SAP GUI branding image
    • Path to the Central Configuration File (new and old format)
    • SAP GUI Theme
  • DPI Scaling / DPI AwarenessStarting with patch 3 the DPI settings of Windows will be taken into account. That means that e.g. with high resolution on a small screen and DPI settings greater than 100% SAP GUI for Windows will be shown as large as according to the DPI settings.
  • SAP Screenreader ExtensionsSAP GUI Screen Reader Extensions (SRX) are now part of the SAP GUI for Windows installation package.
  • New Version of SAP Calendar Synchronization for Microsoft OutlookA new version of the SAP Calendar Synchronization for Microsoft Outlook is delivered with SAP GUI 7.40 for Windows. This version can be used with Outlook 2010.
  • Full compatibilitySAP GUI for Windows 7.40 is fully compatible with SAP GUI for Windows 7.30.

Fiori Setup: Automatische Konfiguration vom OData Service / HTTP Service mit dem ABAP Task Manager

Mit dem Hinweis 2088777 ist es mir gelungen in ca. 30 Minuten (hatte kein 7.40er SP 10 System :-)) das Launchpad zu konfigurieren!

Wäre schön wenn die SAP nun so ein Tool auch für die Backend's liefern würde....

Automated setup of Fiori configuration for ABAP systems starting with SAP NetWeaver 7.4 SP8.
Perform system configuration tasks for Odata Services / HTTP Services activation the ABAP task manager for lifecycle management automation (ABAP task manager).
You can use predefined task lists to run the required configuration steps automatically.

Weitere Begriffe
ABAP task manager for lifecycle management automation; ABAP task manager; Fiori configuration; SAP_GATEWAY_ACTIVATE_ODATA_SERV, /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE, SAP_BASIS_ACTIVATE_ICF_NODES, SICF

Ursache und Voraussetzungen
You want to perform configuration tasks automatically instead of performing them manually.

Task Lists:
The following task lists are available with 7.4 SP10 installation or the implementation of this SAP Note: